What to Choose for Running: Active Leggings or Running Shorts?

When it is about what to wear while running, there are many options that you come across. However, the two most popular choices are active leggings and running shorts. While some people love the former, others prefer the latter. So, what should you go for? Which is the better option?

To know all about it, continue reading.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Both

Both active leggings as well as running shorts come with some advantages and disadvantages.

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Active Leggings


  • As they are constructed out of a special material often, you can wear them almost in any season (though they are perfect for winter).
  • Offering a snug fit, they are less likely to get caught on things, and your chances of falling are less.
  • They provide more coverage and can be more comfortable.


  • Active leggings are often found to be more costly than running shorts
  • It can be hard to find a pair that fits well
  • In warm weather, they can be hot

Running Shorts

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  • The running shorts are less likely to chafe than active leggings
  • Shorts offer you more freedom of movement
  • In shorts, you can stay cooler


  • In cold weather, they can be harder to layer
  • You need to take the help of sunscreen in order to not get sunburned in them
  • Some running shorts can ride up and be uncomfortable

Active Leggings v/s Running Shorts

There are a few factors to take into account when making this choice.

  • You need to think about the weather first before browsing any catalog. You will probably want to opt for active leggings if it’s cold outside. They are great at keeping your legs warm and can help you avoid any potential injuries from the cold weather. Shorts are a better option if you are running in hot weather. They won’t cause you to overheat and will help you stay cool.
  • Apart from the weather, you need to consider your own personal preference. There are many people who find the running shorts more comfortable than active leggings. There is nothing right or wrong over here as it’s about what you are most comfortable in.

Still wondering which is better? It’s up to you. Think what matters to you the most and based on that, take your pick.

Some Additional Suggestions for Styling Them

  • Always keep in mind these few effective suggestions if you want to appear your best in them:
  • Check out the material. Leggings and shorts made up of lightweight materials like cotton or linen are perfect for summer.
  • Go for the right length. While leggings should be long enough to reach your ankles, shorts should be long enough to cover your butt.
  • Partner them with the right tee or top. A tunic top goes well with leggings and a t-shirt or a tank top looks amazing with shorts.
  • Go for the right shoes. Leggings look great with sports sneakers and mesh sneakers are a good choice for shorts.